We are one of the largest lemon producers, processors and exporters in the world. Throughout our history, we have assumed the commitment to contribute to the sustainable development of the northern Argentine region. That is why sustainability has become a transversal axis of our management, throughout the value chain. Citrusvil prioritizes sustainability in all its processes; an assumption that led us to develop a sustainably integrated production system, where all our production processes and products comply with the highest international standards of quality and food safety, preserving the environment, health, well-being and safety of workers.
Inspired by our founding values and sustainability policies, we work on the responsible management of natural resources and the minimization of the impacts of our activities on the environment. Citrusvil has the first Lemon Effluent Treatment Plant in the world, designed and built in 2008 according to the standards required by the United Nations, and certified under the ISO 14.001 Environmental Management System. More than a decade ago we implemented an internal program called Zero Effluent, through which we prevent the dumping of citrus effluent into any natural water course, returning the water used in the industry, as ferti-irrigation in more than 600 hectares of own farms, thus managing to install a closed hydraulic circuit.
Through innovation and development, Citrusvil decided to continue adding value and with Renovar program, we took another step forward, building the Renewable Electric Power Generation Plant, becoming the first citrus industry in the world to produce biogas and generate electricity from treatment of our effluents, opening a new business unit. In this way, the effluent treatment plant stop being to be a service unit to become our 5th productive unit.
“With the spirit of outfitt our activity with sustainability maintained over time, innovation has played a strategic role in the efficient use of energy resources and minimization of environmental impact. Since 2019, we have been producing renewable electrical energy from lemon effluent and we injected 3MW of power into the network, equivalent to the consumption of 3,000 homes. These, among other actions such as, the management of the Carbon and Water Footprint; the supply of more than 30% of our industrial plants with renewable wind energy continues to promote clean production and position Citrusvil as a sustainable supplier” mentioned Agustina Lucci – Leader in Sustainability.
Within the framework of Business Citizenship Award 2020 from AMCHAM, the winning and finalist experiences were announced, resulting Citrusvil as distinguished, in the Environmental Axis: Energy Use, for the creation of the Electric Power Generation Plant, from renewable sources and its commitment to decision-making, which aim to reduce the use of energy in processes and which favor the use of renewable energies throughout the value chain. In the environmental axis, we were recognized together with highly prestigious companies such as YPF Luz, Andriani and Toyota, which fills us with pride and shows us that we are on the right way.
“This project was created within an organization whose vocation is innovation, with a sustainable nature that was always ahead of other interests. This identity is transferred to each Citrusvil´s employee, but it is also nourished by the contribution of those of us who take care of the environment and makes it as a daily behavior”
Luciano Uda
Energy & Project manager.
Our Sustainability Policy establishes the importance of energy performance in the company, not only through the creation of the Renewable Electric Power plant but also through the optimization of energy use in our facilities, through the investment and installation of technological improvements and Specific operational controls in the different activities of the company.
Another fundamental decision was the measurement of the Carbon Footprint, calculating the energy consumption of the 23 production orchards of Citrusvil, 2 fresh fruit packages, 2 industrial plants, the Effluent Treatment plant and the administrative offices, with the possibility of establish a methodology that allows year after year reducing consumption.
In addition to these actions taken in the year 2020, the incorporation of renewable electric energy (by wind) was carried out to supply our production plants, structuring an efficient energy contracting system that makes it possible to be responsible in the management of available energy.